Quit Smoking Quicker is better

We are all aware of the dangers of smoking, but that does not make it any easier to quit. The craving for tobacco or the urge to smoke can be intense for most tobacco users. It can be difficult to quit whether you are a casual teen smoker or an adult smoker. However, you can resist these desires.

Now let us talk that the sooner you quit smoking, the sooner it will reduce your risk of cancer, heart and lung disease and other diseases related to smoking. In such a situation, it is better for you to quit smoking soon.

Effects of smoking for a long time

Long-term smoking can cause many diseases. It has been linked to cancer, heart disease, stroke, lung disease, diabetes, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), which includes emphysema and chronic bronchitis. Smoking also increases the risk of immune system problems such as tuberculosis, certain eye diseases and rheumatoid arthritis. Following are the long-term side effects of smoking:

  • Impotence.
  • Heart disease.
  • Loss of senses.
  • Breathing difficulty.
  • High blood pressure.
  • Potential hearing loss.
  • Yellow teeth and rotten teeth.
  • Cancers of the stomach and bladder.
  • Higher stroke and brain damage risk.
  • Sperm damage and sperm reduction.

Tips for Quit Smoking

  1. Find your purpose: – You must have a personal motive for quit smoking. This may be to keep your family safe from second-hand smoke or to reduce your chances of developing lung cancer, heart disease, or other diseases. Choose a compelling reason you want to look and feel young that exceeds the desire for light.

  2. Avoid alcohol and other triggers: – When you drink, it is more difficult to maintain your non-smoker goal. So, when you initially quit drinking, try to reduce your alcohol consumption. Similarly, if you usually smoke after a meal, try something else, such as going for a walk, talking to friends, or chewing gum.

  3. Consume fruits and vegetables: – Do not try to diet while quit smoking. Excessive deprivation can easily backfire. Keep things simple by consuming more fruits, vegetables, healthy grains, and lean proteins. These are beneficial for your whole body.

  4. Give yourself a break: – You will need new ways to relax once you quit smoking. There are many options such as listening to music, chatting with friends, getting a massage, or using exercise to find time for a hobby. Avoid stressful situations in the first several weeks after you quit smoking.

  5. Trust your friends and family: – Inform your friends, family, and people close to you that you are trying to quit smoking. They can motivate you to do it, especially when you are tempted to give up. You can also chat with a counsellor or join a support group. Behavioural therapy is a type of counselling that helps you develop and apply techniques to quit smoking. Even a few sessions can be beneficial.

  6. Track your habits with an app: – These apps can help track smoking habits and nicotine cravings. This information can be used to plan when and where to replace the old unhealthy behaviour with a new healthy habit. Well, people can track their development using a variety of free web tools.

  7. Nicotine replacement therapy: – People who try to quit smoking face unpleasant withdrawal symptoms. Nicotine replacement treatment (NRT) provides low levels of nicotine while avoiding other harmful substances found in cigarette smoke. It may help reduce some of the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal, such as intense cravings, nausea in the hands and feet, insomnia, mood swings, and trouble concentrating.

  8. Maintain Your Confidence in Your Progress: – As you go through the process of quit smoking, you must stay optimistic; focus on positive improvements; be kind to yourself; you have complete confidence in yourself. This will help you get through the ups and downs while working to achieve your quit-smoking goals.

  9. Physical activity and walking: – Physical activity can help you avoid a tobacco craving. Just like exercising or even a little effort, such as running up and down stairs several times, can reduce the urge to smoke. And you can go for a walk outside or even come a little lost.

  10. Vitamins B and C: – According to a reliable source, smokers have lower amounts of vitamin B and vitamin C than non-smokers. B vitamins are known as “anti-stress” vitamins because they help stabilize mood. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that may help protect the lungs from oxidative damage caused by cigarette smoke. As a result, consuming these vitamins can help you quit smoking.

Quit smoking is good at any age. Quit smoking improves a person’s health and quality of life. Smoking cessation reduces the risk of premature death and can increase life expectancy by up to a decade. Quit smoking reduces the risk of a variety of negative health outcomes. Although most cigarette smokers attempt to quit each year, less than half are successful.
